Disclosure & Barring Service
ECYPS is a registered umbrella body dedicated to carrying out DBS checks for the community since 2002.
If you would like to apply for DBS Checks for Trustees, Management Committee Members, new and existing staff, volunteers then look no further... this the place to start. We have expanded our services to dental practices, solicitors, building companies working on school sites, care homes etc.
A DBS is essential for people working regularly with children or vulnerable adults.
We carry out standard and enhanced checks which is the hightest level of checks.
This provides:
Any information held by the police
A check on children/vulnerable adults barred lists
We offer guidance, application forms and are responsible for establishing true identity of a client at really competitive prices.
Fees: paid workers-£60.00 for enhanced and barred checks (DBS-£50, £10 admin and ID verification)
paid workers standard checks £33.00 (DBS-£23, £10 admin and ID verification)
volunteers-£15.00 (admin and ID verification
All inclusive with no hidden extras.
For more information contact Hamida on 07533914575 or